Cutter's Way


CUTTER’S WAY (1981) Directed by Ivan Passer On Fun City Edition Blu-Ray from Radiance Films After an evening’s business, gigolo Richard Bone’s car breaks down in a darkened alleyway during torrential rainfall. Whilst contending with […]


True Grit (2010) True Grit (2010) (15) Running time: 110 mins Reviewed by: Matt Wavish, official HCF critic The Coen Brothers never cease to amaze me, churning out pretty much a film a year, and each […]

HCF Reviews


“Daddy’s gonna stroll down that far subterranean shore, all littered with the flotsam of hopes and dreams. Relics of ancient times. Lonely cenotaphs. Standing along that melancholy tideland.” Terry Gilliam, I must be honest is a film-making God […]


True Grit (2010)

True Grit (2010) Ethan and Joel Coen have remade the John Wayne classic, this time a young actress named Hailee Steinfield takes the lead female, Mattie Ross, a 14yr old girl who’s father was shot […]