Red Button Man (2011)
Directed by: David Lynch
Ah David Lynch, his weirdness knows no boundaries! Only he could pull off something like this and make it some damned terrifying. The simple concept of a bizarre looking character with a huge nose simply obsessed with pushing a red button could not look more creepy and unsettling, and the added brilliance of Interpol’s gloriously dark music just lifts the whole thing into the realms of brilliance.
Interpol met with Lynch three years a go and drank coffee (as you would in a meeting with Lynch, lots of it!) and discussed their love of his work. Interpol are huge Lynch fans, see. Last year they met up again, and Lynch told them about his idea for the Red Button Man character and the band liked the idea instantly and decided on a song to go with it. The song of choice was ‘Lights’ and Interpol even used the video for the backdrop of their Coachella show.
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