WolfCop (2014)
Directed by: Lowell Dean
Starring: Amy Matysio, Jesse Moss, Jonathan Cherry, Leo Fafard, Sarah Lind
WolfCop is another in the latest trend of homages to the terribly good, straight to video action and horror movies from the 80’s. Set in the white-bred, red-neck town of Woodhaven (a town where the annual tradition is a day of hunting called Drink ‘n’ Shoot), deadbeat alcoholic police officer Lou Garou, is assigned to a disturbance in the woods on the outside of town. when he gets there, he finds the local mayoral candidate strung upside down from a tree. All of a sudden he wakes up at home, with a pentagram carved in his torso. While most would question this, it’s quite possible that this isn’t the worst state that Garou has woken up in. Later that night, he’s throwing the booze down his neck yet again in the local tavern, and as the clock strikes 10, the downtrodden officer starts to feel a little off. What happens next is probably the most unique werewolf transformation scene commited to film. It’s crude, gory and hilarious.
It is bit of a slow starter, but once Lou has embraced his new hairy side, the film really comes into its own. I’m not sure I’ve seen anything quite like it. Once WolfCop decides to take to the streets and uphold the law, well, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was a Crank/Teen Wolf crossover. It’s ridiculous, over the top and in places, side-splittingly funny. The films effects are ludicrously gory, with lots of over the top deaths and maiming, all loving nods to the completely tongue in cheek horror movies of the 80’s. As well as the gore, there’s the gloriously gratuitous sex scene, complete with camp synthy power ballad, that you’d come to expect from this type of film.
While WolfCop does provide some belly laughs and bizarre action, it does get caught up in plot and character exposition at times, which although it does fill in the whys and wherefores of why Lou Garou is transformed into a wolf-man, it takes its time in getting there, which in a film of this sort, just feels like unnecessary padding, as once we find out certain motives of the unsavoury characters responsible for the creation of the beast, it’s never fully explained why they were there in the first place. This doesn’t however, stop it from being any less entertaining, however the fluctuating tone does cause it to drag in places.
The growing trend in these homages to the golden years of VHS is an interesting one, and one which is perhaps seeing a generation of films makers wanting to pay tribute to the movies they grew up watching. And when the films are this entertaining, long may it continue. Following in the steps of Astron 6, WolfCop – once it gets going – is an absolute blast.
DVD/Blu-Ray extras include:
WolfCop Unleashed: Behind the Scenes Featurette
WolfCop Music Video
Gag Reel
Banff Film Festival Feature
Promo Clips and Trailers
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