This multiple Oscar-winning film is a magical, atmospheric epic starring Conrad Veidt (Casablanca), Sabu (The Jungle Book) and June Duprez (The Four Feathers). The Thief of Bagdad (U) is a triumph of filmmaking and is one of legendary producer Alexander Korda’s best-loved films and is available to own on Blu-ray from 26th January 2015, RRP £14.99, courtesy of Network Distributing’s ‘The British Film’ collection.
Imprisoned by the evil Grand Vizier Jaffar, Ahmad – the rightful King of Bagdad – meets young Abu, the greatest thief in the land. Together they escape and embark on a series of fantastical adventures, only just surviving a terrifying encounter with a Djinn, from whom Abu manages to extract three wishes.
Special features:
• Original theatrical trailer
• Image galleries
• Instant play facility
With sumptuous art direction and beguiling special effects making it the definitive vision of the famous Arabian Nights tale, The Thief of Bagdad is featured here in a High Definition transfer from original film elements, in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.
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