A host of global film talent distinguishes this gripping 1950s mystery-thriller featuring a screenplay adapted by Alec Coppel, Oscar-nominated writer of Hitchcock’s Vertigo. Mr. Denning Drives North (12) is released on DVD on 22nd June 2015, RRP £9.99, courtesy of Network’s ‘The British Film’ collection.
John Mills (Ryan’s Daughter, Gandhi) heads up an outstanding cast as a father whose wish to protect his daughter has unforeseen and terrifying consequences.
Tom Denning is one of the most successful aircraft manufacturers in the country, and has a perfect family life with his wife and daughter. But then it happens: in a flash, this successful man becomes a tormented figure, sharing only with his conscience a terrible secret…
Special features:
- Image gallery
- Promotional material PDF
Mr. Denning Drives North is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original film elements in its original theatrical aspect ratio.
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