Tank Girl

TANK GIRL (1995)

TANK GIRL (1995) Directed by Rachel Talalay Available on Limited Edition Blu-Ray Set in 2033, in a post-apocalyptic, dystopian Australia, an corporation called Water and Power (W+P) control the water source, with the aim of […]

HCF Reviews

WOLF MAN [2025]

USA IN CINEMAS NOW RUNNING TIME: 103 mins REVIEWED BY: Dr Lenera 1995, in the wild lands of Oregon, where rumours have long existed about a virus linked to the region’s wildlife which the Native […]

The Gift

THE GIFT [2000]

USA AVAILABLE ON 4K ULTRA HD BLU-RAY [LIMITED EDITION] AND STANDARD BLU-RAY: 27th January, from ARROW VIDEO RUNNING TIME: 111 mins REVIEWED BY: Dr Lenera In a small town named Brixton deep in the American […]

HCF Reviews

RIPPY (2024)

RIPPY (2024) aka The Red Directed by Ryan Coonan Available on digital and DVD When an eccentric war veteran named Schmitty complains to local police officer Maddie that he’s come up against a red kangaroo […]

HCF Reviews


NOSFERATU (2024) Directed by Robert Eggers I left the cinema with a certain excitement. I’d felt it before after seeing Denis Villeneuve’s Dune. It was a feeling of satisfaction that comes after watching, what I […]