THE FINAL WISH (2020) Directed by Timothy Woodward Jr. Aaron Hammond, a struggling law graduate in Chicago, returns to his family home in the sticks after learning of his father’s death. Whilst attempting to sell […]
THE FINAL WISH (2020) Directed by Timothy Woodward Jr. Aaron Hammond, a struggling law graduate in Chicago, returns to his family home in the sticks after learning of his father’s death. Whilst attempting to sell […]
NINJA APOCALYPSE (2014) Directed by Lloyd Lee Barnett The Lost Clan are summoned for a peace meeting with other clans, 20 floors beneath the ground of a nuclear underground bunker. With a threat that will […]
Reel Evil (2012) (18) Running time: 77 minutes Director: Danny Draven Writers: Shane Bitterling, Danny Draven Cast: Jessica Morris, Kaiwi Lyman, Jeff Adler Reviewed by: Matt Wavish So, and I am starting to […]
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