Top 10 Things We'd Like To See in GTA V

Ahhhh… Grand Theft Auto. One of the greatest game franchises ever made. When the trailer for Grand Theft Auto 5 broke a couple of months ago, Bat and Juan threw party streamers and sausage rolls everywhere, all because GTA 5 was to return to the epic landscapes of San Andreas. After an intense twenty minutes of partying, we all sat down and wondered what sorts of things we’d like to see in GTA V. What worked in the previous titles? Or more importantly, what didn’t?
So here it is, HCF’s Top 10 Things We’d Like To See in GTAV



Return of the jet and bicycle!

One of the most fun things you can do in GTA: San Andreas is break into the Navy base and steal a Harrier jump jet. It was an absolute blast, and when you’re done you can simply jump out and parachute to safety. Or that unreachable place you’re trying to get to. This is one mode of transport that was sorely missed in GTA IV, and although there were helicopters, it wasn’t the same. BMX bikes and other bicycles would receive a warm welcome too, after the success of them in San Andreas. Going off the trailer for GTAV, it looks like some of  our wishes may come true.


More Customisation
In GTA: San Andreas, we had the luxury of choosing a hair cut for CJ, dressing him in cool threads and even decide whether he should be ripped or have a belly. Whilst every game player out there had the same character of CJ, we could customise him to make him individual and to our tastes. Even the cars we could pimp out with nitros and select certain paint jobs. This element was dropped for GTA4 for the more simpler option of Pay n Spray and basic clothing. We want to see motorcycle and car mods, a chop shop were you can pay to build your car or bike that will always stay in your garage. With the main character, we hope the customisation returns of having an extensive wardrobe, the ability to choose hair cuts and facial fuzz and the choice to be as muscular as Bolo Yeung or not.




As vast and enjoyable as Liberty City is, it’s very bland and grey. There is a park and the odd bit of greenery here and there, but it’s not a lot. Again, in contrast to the fantastic San Andreas, this had country side, mountains, forests, deserts, peninsulas and various other landscapes. This made for a much more adventurous game, and a more aesthetically pleasing one, too.



Better handling for motorcycles

This is pretty self-explanatory really. The handling on the motorcycles has always been shaky to say the least, particularly with the superbikes, which if required for a mission, makes foe an extremely frustrating one. So here’s hoping that the motorcycles are actually tolerable this time around.



Driving lessons

We’d love to see the return of the driving schools for the car, plane and motorcycle. Getting licences before you can take part is brill. Maybe you can drive around in these vehicles from the start, but if you get caught by the police without a licence, you get a Wanted rating or a fine, which will repeat until the certain licence is obtained. It’d also be fun if they included roundabouts, but of course it’s fictional world based on USA locations don’t have them. Just imagine for a second though having Swindon’s Magic Roundabout in GTA 5!



Better music

Without Liberty Rock Radio, GTA IV’s music would have been dreadful (with the odd exception). Those who bought Liberty City Stories were treated to an 80’s new wave station, which has some cracking tracks on there, but those who bought them as separate DLC lost out, so not everyone got it. Hopefully we get the great balance that we had in the likes of Vice City and San Andreas, as each had some terrific music and some great talk radio, too.



The return of Yusuf Amir

One of the greatest characters I’ve ever encountered in a game has to be Yusuf Amir, voiced to perfection by the Iranian-British comedian, Omid Djalili. His hyper-active, fun filled missions and obsession with plating everything in gold made me laugh, not to mention his habit of dancing in his underpants to ‘Arab Money’ by Busta Rhymes. I’d love for Yusuf to make a re-appearance in GTAV.



In game co-op

Another one that does exactly what it says on the tin. Missions could twice as fun when played with a friend on line. It could certainly make things more exciting, though how would be incorporated out side of the missions and into the story mode is another thing. Multiplayer on GTA IV, particularly in Cops n Robbers was an absolute blast, so to play a similar mode in the main game could be something special. However this may be a little too ambitious.




It would be interesting to include people walking their dogs and have cats sitting on window sills of houses. In the countryside, there  should be deer and other wild animals. If you look closely at the beginning of the GTA 5 trailer (posted above), you can see two people and a dog on the beach. It even Woofs! So this may be a likely inclusion in the new game.




Just a couple of places in the game where you can get a flamethrower and roast 50 people in 30 seconds would be ACE! A hark back to the good old days.


So that’s out Top 10. But we want to hear off you guys! What would you like to see in the upcoming installment of the Grand Theft Auto series?

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About Bat 4557 Articles
I love practical effects, stop-motion animation and gore, but most of all I love a good story! I adore B-movies and exploitation films in many of their guises and also have a soft spot for creature features. I review a wide range of media including movies, TV series, books and videogames. I'm a massive fan of author Hunter S. Thompson and I enjoy various genre of videogames with Kingdom Hearts and Harvest Moon two of my all time favs. Currently playing: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Yakuza Zero and Mafia III.


  1. I wonder if you got what you wanted with GTA V? I’ve yet to play it, loved all the GTA games. I live just 2 mins away from the place where GTA was born and developed in Dundee. What a fantastic game though! 🙂

  2. Haha, looking back at this article which I wrote 3 years ago and I’ve just got my hands on GTA V for PC. Miraculous to see how much we wanted is included! 🙂
    It’s cool that GTA is all because of the Scots. Nice one Rockstar North!

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