American Pie: Reunion (2012)
Directed by: Hayden Schlossberg, Jon Hurwitz
Written by: Adam Herz, Jon Hurwitz
Starring: Alyson Hannigan, Chris Klein, Jason Biggs, Seann William Scott, Tara Reid, Thomas Ian Nicholas
Film: American Pie: Reunion
Rated : 15
Running Time: 113m
American Reunion sees all the characters from American Pie back together in a comedy that proves things don’t necessarily improve with age. With ten years having gone by since four lads from a small town in Michigan set out to lose their virginity, the gang are back together in East Great Falls for a reunion. With some of them married, some of them separated and one of them still crazy in love with his buddy’s mum, the friends meet to catch up, reminisce and show that they have well and truly grown up. Except theyhaven’t!

In a shocking statement to make, when American Pie was first released way back in 1999, I had actually fallen out of love for films. I was going through a period of living the high life. A great circle of friends, a local bar and the fact we were there every night, drinking and partying, it was a wonderful time and one I look back with fondness. So you can imagine that during that time, the last thought going through my mind was….what was in the cinema.
Even when on a rare night when we did not go out and my mate invited us over for a “night in”, which meant a few bottles and a Video, when he chucked on a copy of “American Pie“, lets just say I did not know what to expect. Its amazing to think back and realise just how much I lacked any knowledge that year of any film and when he pressed played, I sat and was more concerned at the fact that there seemed to be not enough cans of lager in the house.
I remember when the original creators of the first film told a story of when they showed an advanced screening to a bunch of teens who had no idea what they were watching. They said that there was an idiot at the back who had one of those red laser pens which were a pain the arse all those years ago! The Idiot, flashed that bastard pen, blinding some poor innocent folk when all of the sudden the film played and after three minutes the cinema went quiet and the light of the pen just disappeared. It was then that the creators realised that they had a potential smash on their hands because all they could hear was the sound of laughter from there on in.
It’s a story that mirrored what happened in that room where we all sat-minus the red laser of course. Here we were, all set to get pissed and talk about crazy things but once the film played, there was silence, followed by howls of giggles that never stopped. So many great scenes to think back of and the moment where Michelle (Alyson Hannigan) uttered that “immortal line”, well the film found a place in my heart.
By the time the second film came around I was back in love with all things cinema and would you believe a father and while the sequel lacked the originality, it still had some great gags, so did the third film which supposed to be the end a trilogy. Of course we had those dreadful straight to DVD’s spin offs that I sadly own but once the franchise reached the quite awful “Love Letter” addition, then every fan thought that the formula was milked for all its worth.
This was until American Reunion decided to show its head. Now the cynical person inside me made me want to doubt the motives of this official fourth film. Will the added bonus of getting all the old cast back to entice fans of old, I failed to get excited because I thought this was getting made for all the wrong reasons. Nearly all of the returning cast need a hit to get their careers back on track because many have faded from the limelight and I was doubtful that this would be just a rehash, with not much thought going into the plot or film. Was I wrong?
Well yes! Now before all you lot run off and scream “American Reunion” is awesome!…..its not really, but its better than you probably expect it to be!
The opening sequence is the bit where we all saw in that trailer that went down a storm a few months back. Yes Jim (Jason Biggs) is still married to Michelle, but there are hints that they may be drifting apart. Jim still loves to do the business with his “Socks” and his wife replaces the flute with a shower head, but instead of enjoying their moment of separate pleasure, their kids spoil the moment and while this would be a funny sequence, its hard to smile having seen it played out already!
The film then gets to the jist of the whole plot and you can tell by the title that its about a Reunion, a school one of that and yes everyone is back. Finch, Oz, Kevin, Stifler, Heather, Vicky to even Nadia all show their faces, some good to the plot, the others, well just for the sake of it. The end of the day its Sean William Scott who steals the show and every single scene. I have always thought that the character of Stifler should have a spin off and when he is on show the film is totally a blast and he also gets the best gags. There is one moment of sheer brilliance that spins the events of the original into a different direction that is worth the watch alone and fans of old will be laughing long after the credits finished.
Jim of course is still Jim, the main character of the piece who ends up in plenty more embarrassing positions which is worth a giggle and Michelle is still the best female character on show and you have to admit to yourself that its great to see the gang back even though its not the hilarious blast you wanted it to be. There are times when you can only marvel at the ideas on show, I mean putting Jim’s Dad and Finch’s Mum in the same room is brilliant (not done before) and yes Eugene Levy who also starred in all the cash in’s is worth his weight in gold.
With a running time of a crazy 113 Minutes, its way too long but the film just does enough to make this unexpected sequel a worthy addition. Its not the best slice of the pie like the tagline promises but seeing everyone back even if it is for the last time makes you glad that they held this reunion if only for that Stifler gag which like I said, is a stunning turn up for the books!
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