I Didn’t Come Here to Die (2012) – Released 15th April on DVD

Directed by:
Written by:
Starring: , , ,



Running Time: 80 mins

Certificate: 18

Reviewer: David Gillespie – Official HCF Artist

**Beer Movie Recommended**

Bradley Scott Sullivan creates a beer movie gem with his lean, lively and surprisingly fresh debut horror, I didn’t Come Here to Die. The story introduces us to six volunteers, working under the banner Volunteers of America Generating Goodwill (V.A.G.G.), as they venture into the woodlands to take part in a year long, humanitarian project. Sexy Sophia (Emmy Robbin) is the sensible head and leader of the pack. She wants them to get the job done with no major incidents occurring. Unfortunately for the group leader that ain’t gonna be happening. Hero Danny (Kurt Cole) enrols to get over a tragic accident and do his best to get into Sophia’s pants. Creepy Chris (Niko Red Star) is there on community service and to get into anyone’s pants. He’s also not very good under pressure and is likely to pummel anyone  in pummeling distance if the going gets tough. Goth Julie (Indiana Adams) enrols to get into Chris pants and to die in the movie’s greatest gore effect involving a chainsaw and her head. Nerdy Steve is there for no reason other than inflicting the greatest accidental death you will see for some time on poor old Julie. Finally the impressively annoying Miranda (Madi Goff) is there do get on everyone’s tits and fortunately for the viewer, she is the first to suffer a rather unfortunate accident.







After a morbid and unnerving opening segment featuring Grindhouse style, damaged film effects, a good third of the running time is used up in an attempt to flesh out the characters. This works due to some interesting exchanges from the six youngsters and solid performances from the cast.  The director then takes the story in an unexpected direction. Rather than have a bogeyman or serial killer marching around the camp despatching of each of the characters, Sullivan relies on bad or dumb luck as the reason for taking out the first three of the group. The survivors then start to panic and all hell breaks loose. Sullivan seems to suggest that we are all capable of unspeakable acts of violence if put under enough pressure. When paranoia is added to this mix then murder seems to be the likely outcome.

The good thing about the movie is that it never takes itself particularly seriously. There are a lot of gory laughs thrown into the mix and though some of them miss the mark, many are right on the money. If the final image does not make you smile then you shouldn’t be on this website.






The makeup effects for a micro budgeted horror are very good. We get eye gauging, aforementioned chainsaw death, broken necks, crushed heads and lots more. Robbin has the decency to peel off her top for male fraternity and earn the movie another half a star. She really is very pleasant on the eyes.

Bradley Scott Sullivan has done remarkably well by keeping the story short and simple. He has used his budget wisely and injects so much enthusiasm and energy into his first project that you can’t help but get dragged into the fun. I didn’t Come Here to Die is released on DVD on the 15th April. Get your six pack of fair trade beer and your barely edible, horse meat curry, sit back on your sofa and enjoy

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About DAVID GILLESPIE 169 Articles
Fighting for clean bathrooms and restrooms since 1974.

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