
Today, Ubisoft revealed details of the Season Pass for the open-world, action-adventure game, Watch Dogs. The Watch Dogs Season Pass will give you access to a unique single-player story featuring T-Bone, a brilliant but eccentric hacker; a new Digital Trip game mode, Conspiracy, plus new missions, weapons, outfits and more. Get more than 25% savings versus buying each piece separately. The Watch Dogs Season Pass will be available for PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One®, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, the Xbox 360® games and entertainment system from Microsoft and Windows® PC.

Key Features:

  • All-New Single-Player Story – Take on the role of T-Bone, a brilliant but eccentric hacker who lives by his own rules.
  • Conspiracy! – A new Digital Trip Game Mode that lets players hunt down cyborgs in this mind bending alternate game universe.
  • More single player missions, weapons, and outfits.
  • Save more than 25% over the individual downloadable pack prices.
  • Season Pass holders get one-week early access to all included Watch Dogs add-on content.


In Watch Dogs players will assume the role Aiden Pearce, a brilliant hacker whose criminal past led to a violent family tragedy.  Now on the hunt for those who hurt his family, players will be able to monitor and hack their enemies by manipulating everything connected to the city’s Central Operating System (ctOS). ctOS controls almost every piece of the city’s technology and holds key information on all of the city’s residents. Players will access omnipresent security cameras, download personal information to locate targets, control traffic lights and public transportation to stop enemies, and more. Watch Dogs lets the player use Chicago as their ultimate weapon and exact their own style of revenge. Watch Dogs will be available worldwide on May 27, 2014 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

You can also check out 9 minutes of multiplayer action, below:


Stay connected to Watch Dogs by visiting the official website, Facebook page and Twitter account.

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