Directed by future Hammer stalwart Terence Fisher (Dracula, The Mummy), this entertaining, light-hearted crime thriller centres around the adventures of sleuthing reporters. Stolen Assignment (U) is available to own on DVD from 19th January 2015, RRP £9.99, courtesy of Network Distributing’s ‘The British Film’ collection.
Henry Crossley is an artist whose wife is spending a week’s holiday with her aunt. But when her aunt comes to see him, worried because her niece has not arrived, a police investigation into her disappearance begins. It seems that Henry was fully occupied at the time when his wife went missing; but is his alibi completely truthful?
John Bentley (African Patrol) and Hy Hazell (The Yellow Balloon) star as the two reporters who try to unravel the alibi of the suspected murderer.
Stolen Assignment is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.
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