Gespensterjäger, Ghosthunters on Icy Trails (2015)
Directed by: Tobi Baumann
Written by: Christian Tramitz, Cornelia Funke, Martin Ritzenhoff, Mike O'Leary, Murmel Clausen, Roland Slawik, Tobi Baumann
Starring: Anke Engelke, Bastian Pastewka, Karoline Herfurth, Milo Parker
Directed by Tobi Baumann
In UK cinemas nationwide from 2nd October 2015
Spooky family fantasy adventure film GHOSTHUNTERS ON ICY TRAILS is a sure-fire hit with the kids and parents as likable young boy Tom Thompson (played by the marvellous Milo Parker from Robot Overlords) attempts to conquer his fear of ghosts and bumps in the dark by befriending a ghost in his own basement and challenging the ghouls head on with the help of an experienced ghosthunter who usually prefers the company of herself and her books. Initially, Hetty Cuminseed doesn’t want anything to do with Tom but the information he divulges about ASG ghost Hugo and the reason behind his move to Tom’s basement ties in with some weird activity she’d monitored prior to being sacked by the Central Ghosthunting Institute. Tom and Hugo could just be the helping hand she needs to take down the suspected AIG.
Even though I’m an adult, I still enjoy watching kids movies providing they’re the kind that don’t dumb themselves down too much, after all kids are cleverer than some people make out. Fortunately, GHOSTHUNTERS ON ICY TRAILS is a film that understands this and blends kid-friendly action and humour with a plot that is both exciting for kids to watch and for the adults to also enjoy. There’s the clumsy but cute ghost Hugo who’s quite a fun character and the fearful yet courageous young Tom who kids will instantly connect with and relate to. Throw in the adult Hetty who understands Tom more than his parents ever could and you have a winning team on your hands. With a villainous ice-monster on the loose, a snooty, snotty Central Ghosthunting Institute looking down their noses and Tom’s brattish older sister, there’s plenty for Tom, Hetty and Hugo to rebel against.
With its blend of live action and CGI ghosts, its little nod towards Men in Black, its adventurous streak and its overall fun factor, GHOSTHUNTERS ON ICY TRAILS is some ghosthunting entertainment that can be enjoyed by all the family with solid performances and chemistry from the lead stars Anke Engelke (Hetty) and Milo Parker (Tom).
I just watched this movie and I loved it I thought it was cute and funny and I thought Hugo was cute and funny he’s reminds me of all my other favorite male characters from TV shows movies and cartoons I like and also like some of my other favorite ghosts like Casper the friendly ghost and other characters from the Casper franchise like Spooky the tuff little ghost and The Ghostly Trio and other ghosts like Beetlejuice and I don’t care what some haters of this movie say I like it and I thought Tom and Hugo’s relationship was so cute I always had a thing for kids being friends with Ghosts, Vampires Monsters that live under the bed or any other monstrous supernatural creature anyway I recommend this for people who love ghosts like I do and I am also 22 years old and I also enjoy kid movies only if it’s awesome!
By the way I forgot to mention that I am American and I live in the U.S.A. and I always check what good movies I like that are out there including types of movies like this.