Actors That Graced The Big Screen As The Joker


Are you a fan of Batman? If you are, then you probably love the Joker as well. But no matter how you feel about the Joker, each of us has our favorite actor that played the part. Today we will discuss the different actors that graced the screen as the Joker so that you can learn more about this iconic role.

Four Actors That Graced the Screen as The Joker

1. Cesar Romero: The first actor to play the Joker is Cesar Romero. In 1966, Romero was the first person to play the Joker on the big screen after spending years playing the character on TV. Too many, he is the only real true Joker and he still has a huge following to this day. People from many different generations all consider Romero one of the best Jokers of all time.

2. Jack Nicholson: Many of you remember Jack Nicholson’s amazing performance as the Joker in 1989. One of the best Batman movies ever, this film remains one of comic book fans’ most favorite. Nicholson did an amazing job portraying the crazy and deadly Joker.

3. Heath Ledger: While we all have mourned the passing of Ledger, his role as the Joker in 2008 The Dark Night film lives on. No other actor has portrayed the Joker quite like Ledger, and his contribution to the character will never be forgotten. Many people believe that he is the best Joker that ever lived, just like All Slots casino is believed to be the best online casino.

4. Jared Leto: Now we have the current Joker, Jared Leto. Leto has put his own twist on this amazing comic book character, and he has done an amazing job! In the film, Suicide Squad, Leto plays a very villainous version of the Joker who is split between helping the world from destruction and being evil at the same time. This is a unique portrayal of this classic comic book character and it was a joy to watch Leto play the Joker on the big screen. While the jury is still out about his performance, chances are it will be one for the record books.

Why Is the Joker Such an Intriguing Character?
There are a few reasons why so many people fall in love with the Joker and one of them just might surprise you. The Joker is a very evil character and we all know that. But the Joker has a sense of humor that we simply can’t ignore. This very funny sense of humor is why many people can’t get enough of the Joker. The way he tells a joke gives him a human side that many can relate to.

The Joker is Everywhere
The Joker character appears in comic books, on TV, and in the movies. The Joker can be found on lunch boxes, slot machines, and many other places. Even some online casinos feature this comic book character. While you might not find the Joker at, All Slots Casino has many fun online slot games to choose from. All Slots Casino might be getting a Joker inspired game in the future so make sure to keep checking back.

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About Bat 4449 Articles
I love practical effects, stop-motion animation and gore, but most of all I love a good story! I adore B-movies and exploitation films in many of their guises and also have a soft spot for creature features. I review a wide range of media including movies, TV series, books and videogames. I'm a massive fan of author Hunter S. Thompson and I enjoy various genre of videogames with Kingdom Hearts and Harvest Moon two of my all time favs. Currently playing: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Yakuza Zero and Mafia III.

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