COLOR OUT OF SPACE (2019) Directed by Richard Stanley Struggling to make a go of their rural home since moving from the city, the Gardner family’s life begins to unravel after a glowing meteorite crash-lands […]
COLOR OUT OF SPACE (2019) Directed by Richard Stanley Struggling to make a go of their rural home since moving from the city, the Gardner family’s life begins to unravel after a glowing meteorite crash-lands […]
Nearly thirty years since the release of his last feature film, the maverick director of cult classics Hardware and Dust Devil, Richard Stanley, has made a triumphant return with the hallucinogenic sci-fi horror COLOR OUT […]
As zombie drama MAGGIE releases in UK cinemas on 24th July 2015, take a deeper look at how the effects came together in the film. Director Henry Hobson knew that the visual effects would be […]
There was all this talk about a new sci-fi horror that was apparently the scariest space film since Alien, and one of the most terrifying horrors ever! The Exorcist in space! Reviews had talked about […]
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