
VITAL (2004)

Coming soon to Blu-ray from Third Window Films Welcome to the autopsy slab, and welcome back Tsukamoto fans. In what seems like a stylistic companion piece to Gemini, this is another tale of medical practices […]

HCF Reviews


Available now from Third Window on Blu-ray and to Stream With its clean synthesized music and its sentimental moments, is this really another Shinya Tsukamoto movie? Composer Chu Ishikawa is absent and a company called […]

HCF Reviews

KOTOKO (2011)

Available from Third Window on Blu-ray and on Demand As the title character arrives with a lot of discordant classroom instruments, a few dance moves, and some screaming, it seems clear that this isn’t just […]

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KILLING (2018)

Available on demand and on Blu-ray from Third Window Films Welcome to the edge of the blade. And welcome back Tsukamoto fans. In some ways the culmination of what had come before, Killing includes further […]

HCF Reviews


Available on demand and from Third Window Films Welcome to the inferno. And welcome back Tsukamoto fans. Some might say there’s no such thing as a true anti-war film. After all, something is always lost […]

HCF Reviews

HAZE (2005)

Available now on Terra DVD and Third Window Films Blu-ray Welcome to hell. Or welcome back, Tsukamoto fans. The visceral nightmare that is Haze has limited appeal, but then again it’s only a limited running […]