HCF Reviews


Available now to stream on demand Welcome back to the Dream Zone gang. Oh and welcome back Tsukamoto fans. While the idea of seeing into somebody’s mind, or even sharing their nightmares, isn’t particularly novel, […]


VITAL (2004)

Coming soon to Blu-ray from Third Window Films Welcome to the autopsy slab, and welcome back Tsukamoto fans. In what seems like a stylistic companion piece to Gemini, this is another tale of medical practices […]

HCF Reviews


Available now from Third Window on Blu-ray and to Stream With its clean synthesized music and its sentimental moments, is this really another Shinya Tsukamoto movie? Composer Chu Ishikawa is absent and a company called […]

HCF Reviews

KOTOKO (2011)

Available from Third Window on Blu-ray and on Demand As the title character arrives with a lot of discordant classroom instruments, a few dance moves, and some screaming, it seems clear that this isn’t just […]

HCF Reviews

GEMINI (1999)

Now available from Third Window on Blu-ray and to Stream Rats, maggots, disease, unsettling sounds courtesy of Chu Ishikawa… it must be another Shinya Tsukamoto movie. A period drama might not be the kind of […]

HCF Reviews

KILLING (2018)

Available on demand and on Blu-ray from Third Window Films Welcome to the edge of the blade. And welcome back Tsukamoto fans. In some ways the culmination of what had come before, Killing includes further […]

HCF Reviews


Available on demand and from Third Window Films Welcome to the inferno. And welcome back Tsukamoto fans. Some might say there’s no such thing as a true anti-war film. After all, something is always lost […]

HCF Reviews

HAZE (2005)

Available now on Terra DVD and Third Window Films Blu-ray Welcome to hell. Or welcome back, Tsukamoto fans. The visceral nightmare that is Haze has limited appeal, but then again it’s only a limited running […]

HCF Reviews


Available now on Blu-ray and on VOD from Arrow Films One day I hope to enjoy life with even a small amount of the insane energy found in the 16mm films of Shinya Tsukamoto. Which […]

HCF Reviews


Available now from Third Window Films and on VOD One day I hope to enjoy life with even a small amount of the insane energy found in the 16mm films of Shinya Tsukamoto. There’s no […]