THE CORRIDOR (2010) – On DVD from 21st January

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Starring: , ,


Certificate 18

A bunch of friends are wounded by their childhood buddy Tyler after finding his mother dead in the house, with an hysterical Tyler hiding in the closet. After a spell in a mental institute, the newly reformed Tyler invites his forgiving friends to a cabin in the snow-filled woods, where his mother used to take him and his friends as children. During their stay, Tyler comes across a strange, box-shaped, transparent energy enclosure in the forest. Fearing he’s having a mental breakdown, he asks best friend Chris to investigate the mysterious entity with him. Chris, nervous after being stabbed by a crazed Tyler in the past, asks the rest of his friends to secretly follow him, just in case Tyler attacks him again. It isn’t long before the rest of the guys make their presence obvious, much to Tyler’s disappointment, but his paranoia temporarily leaves him when his friends confirm that they too can see and feel the strange “box” which has grown in size into a corridor. The group quickly discover its euphoric qualities and, like a drug, the friends feel addicted to this powerful entity. Unfortunately for the group, the corridor’s supernatural qualities also come with some side effects that will split the group forever…

THE CORRIDOR reminds me very much of Dreamcatcher, another snowy cabin thriller, and it’s funny that I’m not overly thrilled on either of them. Whilst they’re not bad films, they’re both quite cold in conveying their point to the viewer and shuffle along at a slow pace. The Corridor tries its best to introduce its characters to us, but we only really get to know Tyler (Stephen Chambers), with the rest of the characters lacking in depth of personality, which leads me to a theory described later in the review. Chris (David Patrick Flemming) is the good guy of the group, a sensitive and driven person who also spends his spare time learning sign language. Jim (Glen Matthews) is the brain-box nerd, who’s worries of being infertile play on his mind. Bobcat (Matthew Amyotte) is the big, strong member of the group, but his lack of hair on his balding, young bonce concerns him. Lastly, Ev (James Gilbert) is the care-free, sneaky bloke who you can’t quite trust and is the first to lose his temper.

I enjoy films that make you use those little grey cells, but THE CORRIDOR is just a tad difficult and strange to decipher. First off, some of the dialogue is a little hard to understand and with a lack of subtitles on the disc, important points may be losts on the viewer. The most confusing part f the film though is the main “character” of the story – the enigma that is the corridor. After entering the mysterious corridor, the group start to change for the worse, except for the medicated Tyler. The characters appear to be able to read each others thoughts and know their deepest and darkest secrets. This begs the question: Do Tyler’s friends represent the different personalities of Tyler or are they really sharing each others brain, thanks to the supernatural powers of the corridor? I find it a little hard to believe that all his friends used to join his mother at the secluded cabin. The fact that Tyler cuts off his psychiatric patient wristband with a knife at the beginning of his stay at the cabin implies that he may have escaped from his medical facility, as a person who’s been discharged wouldn’t still be wearing the tag. Also, Tyler arrives at the cabin first, with his friends arriving afterwards, which could mean once Tyler was in the cabin and felt at home and comfortable, his different personalities emerged. If the friends had arrived at the cabin before Tyler, then this theory wouldn’t be as plausable.

I’ll hold my hands up and say I’m not 100% on what THE CORRIDOR is truly about and welcome readers to comment below on their thoughts. I believe due to it’s complicated plot that this will be a marmite movie – you’ll either love it or hate it. Despite its lack of coherance, THE CORRIDOR has some hard-to-stomach scenes in the latter half of the movie, which will please horror fans, and a unique plot for film lovers to digest.

I encourage everyone to see THE CORRIDOR at least once, just so you can help myself and others figure out what it’s really about!

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About Bat 4565 Articles
I love practical effects, stop-motion animation and gore, but most of all I love a good story! I adore B-movies and exploitation films in many of their guises and also have a soft spot for creature features. I review a wide range of media including movies, TV series, books and videogames. I'm a massive fan of author Hunter S. Thompson and I enjoy various genre of videogames with Kingdom Hearts and Harvest Moon two of my all time favs. Currently playing: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Yakuza Zero and Mafia III.

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