To celebrate the release of Neill Blomkamp’s futuristic action drama, ELYSIUM, in UK cinemas now, I’ve decided to share with you my 5 favourite guns used in sci-fi movies.
The Fifth Element – Zorg ZF-1 Pod Gun
One of the most memorable scenes in The Fifth Element was the gun scene, in which villain Zorg, played by British actor Gary Oldman, demonstrates the new guns he’s purchased for his Mangalore minions. The Zorg ZF-1 pod weapons system is great for left handed or right handed users and contains a machine gun, rocket launcher, arrow launcher, famous net launcher, flamethrower (my favourite) and a ice blaster. The ultimate weapon for a baddie, especially with its replay button, adjustable handle for easy carrying and the fact it’s undetectable by x-ray for ultimate concealment.
District 9 – Shrimp Arc Gun
The hi-tech looking prawn guns become hot property for the government and gangs in District 9, however they are useless unless handled by a prawn – or someone with prawn DNA such as Wikus. The favourite of ours is the AMR-B21 Arc Gun which emits laser beams which instantly obliterates the victim into fresh air. Nice!
Dredd – Lawgiver gun
The Lawgiver gun seen in the latest Judge Dredd movie, DREDD, was one mean mother gunner. Whilst quite simple to look at aesthetically, the gun was capable of firing a range of different bullets, including ‘hot shot’ heated rounds, armour piercing bullets and explosive rounds, as well as acting as a stun gun. The Lawgiver also featured a digital display and utilised a handy defence mechanism should the gun fall into the wrong hands…
Aliens – M41A Plasma Pulse Rifle
If you’re a sci-fi fan, then the pulse rifle as seen in Aliens will be high up on your list. Capable of shooting armour-piercing ammo and launching grenades, the M41A plasma pulse rifle is the must-have weapon for every ultimate badass out there.
Elysium – ChemRail Gun
The freshest firearm on our list is the ChemRail gun from Elysium, with its electro-magnetic force combined with normal rifle rounds that can shoot through a wall and tear an enemy to pieces. Yes, you read that correctly. Directed by Neill Blomkamp, the guy responsible for District 9, hi-tech weaponry is all part of the course for this flick.
Set 100 years in the future, inhabitants of earth are trying to get to the clean and corruption free planet of Elysium.
Starring Matt Damon, Sharlto Copley and Jodi Foster, Elysium is in UK cinemas now
Combine all of to be half as powerful as my round house kick.