THE RAVEN: LEGACY OF A MASTER THIEF [Chapter Three – A Murder of Ravens] (PC)


Chapter Two: A Murder of Ravens
PC – Available on Steam

Please read my Chapter One review and Chapter Two review prior to this final Chapter Three review. Spoilers ahoy!

Chapter 3: A Murder of Ravens starts off where Chapter Two left off and this time, we are in control of Miss Patricia Meyers. As Meyers, we must complete a task using our trusty point, click and object pickup and combine. It sounds simple enough but Chapter 3 is riddled with bugs that a simple task soon turns into a frustrating one. Firstly, if you enter Miss Meyers’ cabin, you’ll find you cannot exit it unless you reduce the screen resolution, which will then reveal the tiny hotspot which allows you to exit the room. Also, when combining a necklace and salad tongues you’ll find the screen freezes unless you use the necklace on the grate on the upperdeck before eventually using the penny with the salad tongues. The characters also seem to enjoy spinning around in circles before magically appearing at their destination and Adil seems to disappear should you load a save game that starts in Meyers’ cabin. The biggest problem of all seems that if you don’t combine or use objects in the correct way, the game freezes or choses not to allow you to undo the wrong combination, forcing you to reload a saved game. It is for this reason I recommend saving your game as much as you can, as you never know when the next game-freezing bug will appear.

The second half of the game sees you switch character again to Adil, who must carry out the theft of the Eye of the Sphinx at the museum in Egypt. It’s an interesting plot to play as we already know how it pans out, but the task of getting in and out of the museum without suspicion, as well as successfully committing the heist, takes skill. The use of objects and the various options it allows you to try gives the player more freedom than the super linear Chapter 1, though unfortunately this part of Chapter 3 isn’t without its bugs either.


As always, the graphics are absolutely stunning and the game is as fun as its predecessing chapters, however the bugs that plague Chapter 3 just become too big of a problem to really relax and enjoy the title. This chapter seems rushed and acts as a blemish on what is a fine, easy-going point-and-click mystery game.

As with Chapter 2, Chapter 3: A Murder of Ravens is rather short, running at just over 2 hours (when not fighting bugs), but is concise and to the point, keeping the player constantly interacting with the objects and characters in game. There’s not as much conversation in Chapter 3 than the others, but it serves the plot not to talk to much. There’s two mini-games, as such, within the game, involving opening a safe and a secret door, but these are relatively simple compared to the mini-games in the previous chapters.


Overall, a stunning game to look at, with stellar voice acting and an engaging story to play through, especially for older gamers, but just watch out for the bugs may disrupt your gameplay.

Chapter 3: A Murder of Ravens

Overall Rating for The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief: 7/10

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About Bat 4564 Articles
I love practical effects, stop-motion animation and gore, but most of all I love a good story! I adore B-movies and exploitation films in many of their guises and also have a soft spot for creature features. I review a wide range of media including movies, TV series, books and videogames. I'm a massive fan of author Hunter S. Thompson and I enjoy various genre of videogames with Kingdom Hearts and Harvest Moon two of my all time favs. Currently playing: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Yakuza Zero and Mafia III.

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