Oh No! BAD CGI SHARKS On The Loose In New Horror Comedy

bad cgi sharks

We all love a good (read: bad) shark movie, with the cheesier the better (see Ghost Shark and Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus) and from director MaJaMa (no doubt a combination of trio of directors made up of the three screenwriters Matthew Ellsworth, Jason Ellsworth and Matteo Molinari who also star) comes another slice of shark action in horror comedy BAD CGI SHARKS.

Like the name suggests, the film features said sharks who have come to life thanks to the film script that has been written. Sounds plausible.

Get your glimpse of the bad-ass sharks in the trailer below and don’t forget to follow the movie on Twitter @badcgisharks

Two estranged brothers are brought back together when a script they’re writing comes to life and sends a poorly rendered digital shark to hunt them down in this meta take on the sharksploitation genre.

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About Bat 4557 Articles
I love practical effects, stop-motion animation and gore, but most of all I love a good story! I adore B-movies and exploitation films in many of their guises and also have a soft spot for creature features. I review a wide range of media including movies, TV series, books and videogames. I'm a massive fan of author Hunter S. Thompson and I enjoy various genre of videogames with Kingdom Hearts and Harvest Moon two of my all time favs. Currently playing: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Yakuza Zero and Mafia III.

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