HULK VS WOLVERINE: Out Now to Rent and Buy

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Film: Hulk Vs Wolverine

Rating: 12

Running Time: 39 Minutes

Studio: Lions Gate Home Entertainment UK Ltd

Out Now To Buy!

Sample picture The Hughes Verdict!

Its a weird bit of knowledge but its true to say that Marvel and DC are chalk and cheese at the moment when it comes to the land of films.   Yes they may have battled well over many years in comic form, but on the big to the small screen they differ so much that it frustrates many fans of both studios.

Marvel have set a path of well remembered and established blockbusters at the box office, thanks to the start of Spider-man and reaching a crest of brilliance with Avengers, which of course now has every fan eagerly excited at what Phase 2 of their master plan will bring.   DC on the other hand has been slow.  They may have created quite possibly the best trilogy ever in The Dark Knight tales, but the rest of the input has been poor and even though Man Of Steel has soared big this summer, you just get a feeling that they may have left it too late for their build up towards a Justice League movie.

While Marvel can take all the plaudits for the big screen, its the path of Straight to DVD that DC rule the roast and have so for many years.  Anyone who has seen the masterpiece that was BATMAN:  Mask of Phantasm, and the countless others over the years will know exactly why Marvel have fallen miserably in comic toon form.

Even when I was given the task of reviewing their new release HULK Vs Wolverine, I wasn’t actually thrilled to the bone like I would have been if I was given a Kevin Conroy voiced Batman to watch.  Apparently, this new film actually isn’t that “new” at all and is in fact from an earlier release that had another short simply called HULK Vs THOR!.  You can guess by my surprise that it must have completely missed my radar, but I can imagine those fans who might be pissed off at this “re-release!”


Hulk vs Wolverine

What we have here is that friendly green giant HULK is on another one of his famous rampages and the government decide its best to hire good old  Wolverine to calm him down.  Here its where the title cheats us and while they do have a confrontation,  its soon apparent that Wolverine has been used along with Sabretooth, Omega Red, Lady Deathstrike and Deadpool  In some comic book babble about Weapon X experiments and a ghastly motive by Professor Thorton who wants the Hulk for a whole new weapon…..  the shit really does hit the fan!

What I loved about this short tale is the fact that its sooooo damn violent.  Here all bets are off and its great to see bones being broken and Wolverine suffering for his cause.  Its great to see but the small running time means that whatever good could happen, fails to develop.  Underneath all this is a good story to tell but with barely a 40 minute running time, how do they expect the story to flow and grip!  The only thing that will thrill the comic book geek in you is the sign of Deadpool finally in his first ever appearance in toon form.   Its a shame that its not fully explored to its full potential!

While its still a poor input to those from DC, its still a good tale and will delight fans of all these characters, its just you wish Marvel would get off their backside and finally realise just how big the market is out there for these kind of films. You can go back to the 90’s classic Spider-man cartoon to remember the last time Marvel kicked some serious arse and its a shame even realising that, because if Marvel took this serious…… DC do!,  Then they could have a whole new range of stories to tell….

Maybe it will come in their Phase 3 plans???………

Rating: ★★★☆☆

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About Ross Hughes 569 Articles
Since my mother sat me down at the age of five years of age and watched a little called Halloween, I have been hooked on horror. There is no other genre that gets me excited and takes me to the edge of entertainment. I watch everything from old, new, to cheap and blockbusters, but I promise all my readers that I will always give an honest opinion, and I hope whoever reads this review section, will find a film that they too can love as much as I do! Have fun reading, and please DO HAVE NIGHTMARES!!!!!!

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