Sharknado 4: The 4th Awakens (2016)
Directed by: Anthony C. Ferrante
Written by: Thunder Levin
Starring: Cody Linley, David Hasselhoff, Gary Busey, Ian Ziering, Masiela Lusha, Ryan Newman, Tara Reid, Tommy Davidson
Directed by Anthony C. Ferrante
Available on DVD
After five years of peace from sharknados, thanks to the groundbreaking, tornado-stopping technology of Astro-X, Fin Shepard is looking forward to reuniting with his son Matt who’s returning home after his stint in the army. Upon his arrival in Las Vegas to meet his son, Fin spots a strange sand sharknado heading towards the city. Despite the technology surrounding him, Fin fears the worst. His doubts are realised when Astro-X’s pods are unable to stop the sandnado in its tracks and Fin once again must fight to protect the lives of his family and his country from those pesky flying sharks!
The Asylum are back with SHARKNADO: THE 4TH AWAKENS, riding on the back of the latest Star Wars title complete with inspired opening credits. You might, like I did, assume that this fourth outing for the Sharknado would be set in space, especially considering the ending of Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No, but disappointingly it’s not. However, don’t stay disappointed too long because Sharknado has gone to the next best place: Sin City, of course! With its over-the-top, extravagant yet cheesy themed hotels and casinos, neon flashing lights and barren desert landscape, where better could a tornado of hungry sharks tear through. Couple this with the return of David Hasselhoff as Fin’s father Colonel Gil Shepard, American Pie‘s Tara Reid as Fin’s wife April and Bo Derek as her mother, then we’re on course for another dose of creature feature mayhem.
April’s back, I hear you cry? Well, after the ending of Sharknado 3 that saw April succumb to a piece of space shuttle wreckage, it seems that SyFy put it to the fans on Twitter to decide whether she should live or die through hashtags #AprilLives and #AprilDies. Tara Reid is as much a part of this series as the sharks and her on-screen husband Ian Ziering so thankfully we see her character return in the most insane yet hilarious way possible. Put it this way, if you were pretty much killed off in a film previously, this is how you’d want to return! Plus, her survival provides an introduction to her father, scientist Wilford, played by the one and only Gary Busey.
As if the main cast wasn’t enough, where would we be without Sharknado’s famed cameos? We have the return of Irish popstar twins Jedward, this time as Astro-X technicians (dear lord, help us all) and fresh appearances from Dog the Bounty Hunter, Gilbert Gottfried, Troma’s Lloyd Kaufman, MMA fighters Frank Mir and Roy ‘Big Country’ Nelson and WWE wrestler Seth Rollins, to name just a few of the many celebrities gracing the screen. Most of these either fight sharks or get killed off in good ol’ shark chomping fashion though my favourite clash with man and shark has to be the pelvic thrusting from the Chippendales. Deadly!
Cream Corn from Black Dynamite, Tommy Davidson, is one of the new main stars of Sharknado 4 as billionaire, entrepreneur inventor Aston Reynolds, founder of the Astro-X company, but it seems that Astro-X’s technology is only suitable for standard Sharknado’s, not the onslaught of various element of ‘nado’s on the war path. Yes, say goodbye to your bog-standard tornado full of sharks. That’s so last century. SHARKNADO: THE 4TH AWAKENS has evolved to contain bouldernados, lavanados, hailnados and even cownados. Where does it stop?! This hilarious stream of ‘nados popping up every other scene will have you rolling on the floor in a laughing fit. It’s absurd yet so utterly satisfying to watch unfold on-screen! And we’ve not even got onto the Russian Doll shark scene. Oh, it’s so good!
As with all the Sharknado movies, expect lots of one liners and puns, most of which attribute to other classic cinema such as The Terminator and The Wizard of Oz, as well as copious amounts of chainsaw activity and Shepard bragging. In many ways the film is painful to watch but because of its ridiculous nature and cringeworthy use of CGI, it becomes a hoot. Unlike the third film which appeared to take itself a bit more seriously, SHARKNADO: THE 4TH AWAKENS has gone over-the-top and off the edge of the cliff to bring viewers a tornado full of craziness that you can’t help but smile at. It’s so bad, it’s good.
SHARKNADO: THE 4TH AWAKENS may be Sharknado at its finest and silliest. The only way they could possibly top it? In space, of course! Roll on Sharknado 5!
Beau Defore. Morgen DeFore
I’m wanting Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton to make a cameo.
Danielle Rose lolol
Aaron Maxwell
Amanda Brown Sims
I don’t watch sharknado movies
Sorry lol
Hannah why
Why do they even think this is a good idea. The only reason people watch the series is because it’s so shitty that it’s funny lol
Why do they even think this is a good idea. The only reason people watch the series is because it’s so shitty that it’s funny lol
Yeah what’s Sharknado 5 gonna be titled as, Revenge of the Fifth?
You beat them to it, so now they can’t use it. lol
Could also be Sharknado F5 (a classifcation of tornado strengths, F5 being the strongest)
Fernando Gomez yeah with Brock Lesnar
Brock lesnar f5’ing a shark ????
What a pile of mindless shit, I would rather watch a Emu take a dump.
If it was a piece of shit, it wouldn’t have a 4th sequel. Try watching it first before spitting an opinion.
No, he’s right it’s a nonstop rail to shitsville. Syfy can verify that XD
That shitsville is making them plenty of money.
Ava Torres
It came out on Syfy but I missed it during Shark Week ????
Corey Boebel apparently someone thinks this is a good idea
O_O i can make better models
Is sharknado 5 coming out in 2017
Erin ????????
The worst
Kim Vandam
Xander Cooper
only way id watch this movie is if tars Reid dies… I can’t stand the crazy insane bitch…
#AprilDies a girl can dream. lol! I love the movies.
Amanda Weiser lol hehehe.. I can’t lie,I like the movies as well,I just can’t stand Tara reid.. But I’ve only seen the first and second one,ima see if they have the movies on netflix
My favorite parts are the cameos. Those are so funny. I laugh so hard it hurts.
My favorite parts are the cameos. Those are so funny. I laugh so hard it hurts.
Amanda Weiser omg hahahaha same for my brother and mysel.. I laughed so hard thst I started to cry,and my parents looked at me if I was crazy
It makes me wonder if famous people sign up to be shark food. Do they pay or paid?
Lol hahaha,I bet you are right.. It wouod be funny if they make another one,and it’s the Kardashian family,it’s like ” hey everyone it’s the Kardashian family,and out of nowhere they become shark bait…
Amanda Weiser sorry if my English isn’t the best,I’ve only been writing in English not to long..
Your English is better than mine. No worries. Lots of people would pay for that family to be shark bait.
Can’t wait
I question the intelligence of anyone that watches these retarded cinematic abortions.
Your new favourite movie? Jason Andrews
You know it
Andre, theres a 4th one too… lol
Why!!!!!!!!! Lol
Not nearly as good as the 2nd one!!
Allen Taylor your bday gift!!!!!
Oh for crying out load how many of these blasted films are they going to make.
Caroline Griffin we outtttt
Oh gawd no Mackenzie Lea-Ann Ervin
Or Sharknado 6 a new hope ????????
it’s just mumbo jumbo but it’s something to watch
Lexie Roberts
What when’s it out you guys should have a TV thing
Earn that paycheck Tara Reid
Olenka Wojtowicz
I love Sharknado. I laugh so hard watching them. Laughter is important in life. Seems like most need to do more of it
Jackson Duneier plz don’t waste ur time
So pumped!
save time watch narcos
Jack Leach I do. Almost done with season 1
sko notre dame
Dana & Ashlie lol
James favorite movie series lol
The Yiddish word “dreck” perfectly describes this genre of movie.
Luke Meadows
Bradford Gamé
Jeremy Reid
Omg Rob Abrams please please please please
Darius TotalPackage Thomas Alright!
Quintin Tomasi
My hype levels are over 9000
Greatest movie ever! Oscar worthy
Alex Cohen
Good to see these great actors get work!
Good to see these great actors get work!
Sharknado 5: Space Sharknado on the moon
Sharknado sucks ass
Kevin Schewe you ready?
actually.. Sharknado 4 did disappoint.. not nearly as good as the first three
Tamra House McConnell
It was on TV last night I have it on my DVR lol.
It was on TV last night I have it on my DVR lol.
Adam West needs to cameo in one of these movies as a retired shark hunter and demolitions expert
Adam West needs to cameo in one of these movies as a retired shark hunter and demolitions expert
AnnAbella Love
Josh Shepler
Avery Foster
Chuck Norris and Morgan Freeman. Seeing Chuck roundhouse kick a shark out of the tornado would be amazing. And Morgan Freeman could narrate it as it happens!
Ravi Ricky
Whats crazy is that people really watch it! LOL
Kellie Bishop Chelsea Dawn Russell Bruce Bishop….movie night? ????
Ha yess
Please tell me this is in 3d
I sure hope so
People should realize these are comedies honestly and they’re being made to impress the audience more… I don’t think it’s taking itself seriously.
Devan Ines
Sharknado is a ridiculous series, just like every crappy modern sci-fi shark movie.
That’s partly what makes it so delicious and horrible to watch at the same time! xD
Love Kelly clarkson so sweet
Did Mike Tyson name this one?
Ben Jammin Smith
Megan Escobar
Isabel Payne
The worst of the worst. I wouldn’t give them a red cent
Brianna Imbergamo
Dan Cristinzio
We are so doing it.
I’d willingly contract HIV before I watch this again…
These movies are terrible.
Christopher Zgoda
Already have it preordered lol
I can’t ever get past the fakeness of the movie. It would be different if it made me laugh but its not even funny.
Mattie Barnhart did you make this
Mattie Barnhart did you make this
There comes a time when people gotta stop remaking dumb ass movies…u made the 1st two….that’s enough..its like fast and the furious they made 7 and working on 8th the first and 5th where the best..just saying
the best was the first one
Is that you cooking?
Well yeah.
Sharknado 5 : The force awakens
Jack DiMatteo Alex Casieri I think this is #4 of IMDb top 250
Great watch
actually the dark knight is #4
So is this 3????
3 is the godfather 2
So is this 2???
2 is the godfather
So this is the number one movie of all time
1 is shawshank redemption
So it’s number 0
I guess so
Good thing I got 11 notifications about all the high level thinking in this conversation. Jordan did you win your tourney?
He can break out the Bat Shark Repellent.????
Daniella Nicole look!!! ^_^ lmao
“Baby…. I don’t think you understand !! It’s a tornado, but with sharks!!” ????????????????????