BOYS DO CRY: Hughesy takes a look at 15 movie scenes that make grown men weep in the aisles…….


We Men Don’t Cry!………………We drink beer, watch our football and mock the female kind who sob into their tissues while watching films like The Notebook…..


There are are some film moments that do!  That leave us quivering in a total mess.  Make our eyes swell with tears, followed by the words “Do you fancy a cup of tea love!”…..and we slip into the kitchen and cry secretly while pouring the milk.  So the next time you watching any of this films, take a look at that macho man next to you, the husband/boyfriend who believes he is above this tear lark.  Because you might just see his tear ducts beginning to work……


Escape To Victory…..a film that is a combination of a war movie mixed with football……perfect for any man.   Despite the ridiculous notion of having Sly Stallone in goal…..the film’s most upsetting moment is right at the end.  After a half time cry of “We can win this boss!”….our boys, against the Nazi’s rally back in this stunning game of football and just as our emotions are swinging and the beers are flowing, PELE…..quite possibly the best footballer ever, stuns those Germans with an amazing overhead kick……such beauty….such slow motion……every man watching jumps with a screaming voice and tears….”GET IN THERE SON!”……perfect!…….


If it weren’t for Bruce Willis in the late 90’s, we wouldn’t be here now as he saved us all from a massive rock in the totally stupid but thrilling Bay blockbuster Armageddon.  Despite not picking the short straw, our fav Die Hard guy, put himself first and his daughter’s boyfriend out of harms way and blew up that damn meteorite while Aerosmith belted out their most famous hit.  It was ridiculous and silly, but it was saaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!……stop the tears……stop the tears………

13:  Shelly Winters and that boat……

Oooh poor old Shelly.  The boat Poseidon which you were having a great time on is now turned upside down and a group of survivors are battling their way through the maze of destruction and then we come across that scene…………..its her husband’s face that says it all…….. tragic….


The Wrath Of Khan will always be Star Trek’s most proudest moment……more so when you consider the climax that reduces all Trekkies to tears.  The death of Spock!  Live long and prosper indeed…..but just seeing Capt Kirk reduced to a quivering mess is enough for any hard hearted man to break down in despair…..the fact they ruined this moment in the next sequel is another reason to cry……

11: JAMES BOND CRIES…… NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo

In what is no question the best Bond film of all time….(sorry Skyfall….but it is)……the one and only time Bond…George gets the one scene that maybe even good old Sean wished he had.  After finally tying the knot with his only true love, his wife (Diana Rigg) is gunned down and we left with a heart broken Bond cradling her dead body……Bond films should not end like this…..but we so glad it did…..



Back in the days when Mel was the box office attraction, he created a film that was so emotional and stunning, that even to this day, grown men hate that climax.  Dying and screaming the words “FREEDOM”…I am crying now just writing this….damn you Mel…damn you….



Forget the TV Shows, there is only one Spartacus….and that ending still leaves grown men emotionally drained.  Tears roll down, cries of “I am Spartacus!”…..bellow out….and even more surreal….this was directed by Kubrick…….

No. 8 WAKE UP…..WAKE….UP…..WAKE….UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still so powerful to watch.   One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is one of the greatest films of all time, and that ending still leaves a mark on each and every viewing……having smothered Randie to death because he can”t let his friend “live his life like that”…our chief then lifts up bathroom stand and throws it out of the window…..before fleeing much to the cheers of the other inmates…… still shocking….but beautiful…..what a film…….


There?s Something About Mary ? The zipper scene

Still one of the best gross out comedies of all time and the one that really started the ball rolling in the 90’s….there is so much to love about There Is Something About Mary, but its that one scene where poor old Ben Stiller gets his penis caught in his zip, that leads all men to cross their legs and go….”nooooooooooooooo”……the fact we actually see his meat and two veg…stuck there adds the extra…..”Ouch!”.


Ask any man and he will tell you,  they love Top Gun, but they dread the moment when our Fav back up pilot Goose dies in the arms of his friend Maverick…..Its a dark moment that many hate because they know its coming, but there is nothing they can do about it… gets every guy on each and every viewing…….


Ivan Drago… mean mother bastard…….How could you kill our second favourite Rocky boxer, how could you???  With the sound of “Living In America” still rattling in your brain…..our guy gets battered to a pulp and dies in the arms of our Rocky……who didn’t want too fight….but does now….Drago….Russia…… don’t know what is going to hit you….



Damn you PIXAR…..DAMN YOU…..!!   Films like Toy Story are supposed to be uplifting and make you happy….not leave you in a sorry mess for days after…..  the final scene when our now grown up Andy gives his “toys” away gets everyone watching because its something we all have done….its about goodbyes and moving on and growing up……such deep depth for what is basically a kiddie film…….damn you PIXAR again…for sheer perfection… now hand me those tissues….


One of the greatest films of all time also contains one of the best endings….. having seen his best friend Andy…escape from prison, and now having been let out after so many years inside…..our Red goes on a journey to be reunited with his pal….. we sooooo want him to survive that bus journey and when he gets on that beach and see’s Andy working on that boat…..they both look up……!….It makes Shawshank Redemption such a special and perfect film….outstanding….


As kids, our parents dragged us to the cinema to see a boy befriend an alien, and yet their didn’t fathom the emotional distress that it would cause us…… I remember sitting in the cinema watching around me, as kids cried and held on too their mother in sheer despair……I was one of those who didn’t shed a tear, simply because I was a Michael Myers lover and E.T. was too tame for me, but even I can understand the emotional punch that this film still carries…..


The only film to ever make me cry………and millions more……the end scene is actually still used to this day for emotional experiments…….I would say more….but I am filling up just writing this… I leave you with “That” scene…….good luck watching….


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About Ross Hughes 569 Articles
Since my mother sat me down at the age of five years of age and watched a little called Halloween, I have been hooked on horror. There is no other genre that gets me excited and takes me to the edge of entertainment. I watch everything from old, new, to cheap and blockbusters, but I promise all my readers that I will always give an honest opinion, and I hope whoever reads this review section, will find a film that they too can love as much as I do! Have fun reading, and please DO HAVE NIGHTMARES!!!!!!

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