

THE COMPLEX (2020) Directed by Paul Raschid Written by Lynn Renee Maxcy (The Handmaid’s Tale TV Series) Have you ever watched a movie and thought “I’d do something different” than what a character chooses to […]

HCF Reviews

VIRUS [1980]

AKA FUKKATSU NO HAI, DAY OF RESURRECTION JAPAN  AVAILABLE ON DVD RUNNING TIME: 155 mins, 108 mins [export version], 94 mins [US TV version] REVIEWED BY: Dr Lenera   American geneticist Dr. Meyer accidentally creates […]

HCF Reviews

Verotika (2019)

Verotika is the cinematic debut of punk rock legend Glenn Danzig. With his anthology film, Danzig comes full circle; from his music, most noticeably with the Misfits, being massively influenced by old school horror, he […]

HCF Reviews


AKA CHI SEI? [WHO ARE YOU?], THE DEVIL WITHIN HER ITALY AVAILABLE ON BLU-RAY from ARROW VIDEO RUNNING TIME: 108 mins/98 mins REVIEWED BY: Dr Lenera, Official HCF Critic   Jessica Barrett runs away from […]

HCF Reviews

The Platform (2019)

THE PLATFORM Directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia There couldn’t be a more apt time for this Spanish sci-fi/ thriller to reach streaming services. As people angrily fight for food or loo-roll in a supermarket near you, […]

Firts Love


FIRST LOVE (2019) Available now on Blu-ray and VOD The films of Takashi Miike can be rather… eclectic. In recent years his output has included several manga adaptions and kids TV shows after all. But […]

Found Footage

CASE 347 (2020)

UK Release Date – TBC When discussing something like the UFO sighting movie Phoenix Forgotten I asked the question; why is the found footage format usually used to depict the supernatural genre? Budgetary concerns? Or […]