
True Grit (2010)

True Grit (2010) Ethan and Joel Coen have remade the John Wayne classic, this time a young actress named Hailee Steinfield takes the lead female, Mattie Ross, a 14yr old girl who’s father was shot […]

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HCF Reviews

The Tourist

[youtube][/youtube] The Tourist (2010) Right, so you’re making a film and you want to ensure bums on seats. So,  you first have to have a good enough storyline – Elise is a woman involved with […]

The Town

The Town

The Town (2010) Charlestown, Boston is a breeding ground for criminals. This little neighbourhood churns out more thieves than you can shake a stick at. This is the way Charlestown rolls. If you’re born and […]

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INCEPTION (2010) Leonardo DiCaprio stars as the lead in this mind-puzzling action-cum-sci-fi crime drama. Dom Cobb (DiCaprio) is highly skilled in the art of extraction and considered one of the best extractors around. His job […]


W Delta Z (WAZ)

W Delta Z (2007) W Delta Z follows the story of veteran police detective, Eddie (Stellan Skarsgård) and his new sidekick, Helen (Melissa George), who try to uncover the culprit of the murder of local […]


Machete (2010)

Machete (2010) Directed by Robert Rodriguez With a cast to die for (Robert De Niro, Jessica Alba, Jeff Fahey, Steven Seagal, Michelle Rodriguez, Cheech Marin and Danny Trejo), this was gonna be a good one. […]


Salon Kitty (1976)

Salon Kitty is directed by Tinto Brass (Caligula) so expect lots of nudity. Set in Germany at the start of World War II, Salon Kitty is about a whore house, run by Madame Kitty, an […]